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Guiding You to international diversification

Overview of our Offshore Banking Services

As registered investment advisors, we guide you through the initial steps by introducing you to the right private bank in Switzerland or Liechtenstein who custodies your assets. Our approach is centered on getting to know you and your unique situation. Once the ideal banking partner is identified, we seamlessly navigate the account opening process, ensuring a smooth and personalized experience. We use a limited power of attorney given by you, established on a foundation trust and collaboration, to build a portfolio based on informed investment decisions on your behalf..

Investment Philosophy

We understand that every investor is unique, with distinct circumstances, preferences, and financial goals. Our investment philosophy is based on a client-centric approach, collaborating closely with you to consider factors such as age, time horizon, available capital, and risk appetite. We prioritize international diversification by excluding the US dollar and US stock market from our portfolios, focusing on capital preservation and safety. Our commitment to transparency extends to educating you on the rationale behind each investment decision, fostering a strong understanding of our approach. We specialize in managing investments across four key asset classes - stocks, bonds, precious metals, and foreign currencies - offering various strategies tailored to your risk profile.

Account Holding Options

To provide maximum flexibility, we offer a range of account holding options, allowing you to choose the structure that best suits your needs. Whether it's holding the account in your personal name, jointly with a spouse or family member, within a domestic estate planning trust, an offshore asset protection trust, or an LLC, we empower you to make informed decisions regarding your financial future. Additionally, for those exploring tax-efficient avenues, we facilitate holding accounts in the name of a self-directed individual retirement account (IRA). This strategic flexibility ensures that you not only build a diversified portfolio but also optimize your tax benefits in a manner that aligns with your overall financial goals. If needed, we are happy to make introductions to the right professionals so you can set-up the structure you desire.

Process and Next Steps

Kickstart your journey to financial success by scheduling a free 45-minute consultation with us. This session is designed to get acquainted, address any questions you may have, and lay the groundwork for a fruitful partnership. Following this consultation, we guide you through the process of gathering the necessary documents for the bank application and completing account opening documents. Once your offshore bank account is established, wire the funds to initiate your investment journey. Participate in your initial investment meeting, where our relationship manager will provide valuable insights, and rest assured that they will stay in touch to ensure ongoing support and communication throughout your financial endeavors.


Required Account Minimum: USD 500,000
Recommended Account Minimum (for fee efficiency reasons): USD 800,000
Management Fee: 1.5% per year (minimum of CHF 2000 per quarter) up to USD 5 million then negotiable
Bank Fee: Depending on the chosen custodian bank

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