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Combining Investments, Industry News and a Swiss Perspective

Resources about Offshore Banking

Offshore Investing: What Americans Need To Report  Thumbnail

Offshore Investing: What Americans Need To Report

It is crucial for our clients to understand U.S. reporting and tax requirements in regard to an offshore bank account. While having a bank account overseas is absolutely legal, it is important to set the structure up in a compliant way and to report it properly. Our blog will cover the reporting requirements that apply to Americans with investment accounts held in offshore accounts.

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Private Banking Paradise: Switzerland or Liechtenstein?  Thumbnail

Private Banking Paradise: Switzerland or Liechtenstein?

One of the questions we get asked by prospective clients seeking offshore investment diversification through us as an independent asset management firm is: "How do you determine which custodian banks to work with?" The answer to this question is quite complex, so we will use this blog to give insight into how we determine where to begin our search for top-level private banks. We will briefly cover why we find Switzerland and Liechtenstein to be premiere economic environments for finding the right custodian bank for our clients.

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Investing During Grim Economic Times Thumbnail

Investing During Grim Economic Times

With a recession looming over the U.S. economy and high market volatility, investors can be left scratching their heads on how to proceed with their investment activities. Moreover, once the recession does hit the U.S., more fear could seize the markets. Therefore, it is crucial to understand what can be done when planning to invest during a recession. The blog post will cover how U.S. Investors can act in times of economic turmoil and find the right partners to help them find the right opportunities and manage their emotions.

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Understanding the S&P 500 as a Benchmark for an Offshore Portfolio Thumbnail

Understanding the S&P 500 as a Benchmark for an Offshore Portfolio

Since the S&P 500 represents a large portion of the value of the U.S. equity market, it may be worth understanding for Americans with offshore investments. The index's performance gives a good representation of the state of the U.S. market, but it does not fully represent it. Further, it does not represent the other markets around the world. Therefore, we will also endeavor with this blog to describe how Americans can utilize Swiss investment advisors to diversify out of the U.S. market.

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Setting Financial and Investment Goals Thumbnail

Setting Financial and Investment Goals

Taking the time to put down your financial and investment goals may seem easy, but it is vital to have a guild to start this process. Doing your due diligence will allow you to ensure you begin the road to achieving your goals in the right direction. So let's get back to the basics of financial and investment goals and, more importantly, an investment strategy to set yourself up for success.

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Financial Market Basics Thumbnail

Financial Market Basics

This article is designed to help you understand the basics of investing by breaking down the four types of financial markets. It will allow you to learn about the basics and start your journey to increasing your financial competency. Expanding your knowledge of the various markets where investors can build investment portfolios is vital.

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Webinar: Building an Inflation-Resistant Portfolio Thumbnail

Webinar: Building an Inflation-Resistant Portfolio

In this webinar, you will learn how to utilize the Swiss economy, financial services, and registered investment advisors to bring stability to your existing or new investment portfolio. The presentation will cover the reasons for today's inflationary environment, how and why the Swiss economy differs from the United States, and how Americans can access the Swiss markets. In addition, it will be a chance to learn more about Switzerland's economic facts and figures and the relevant details that pertain to holding an offshore account in its jurisdiction.

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Safeguarding Your Future Through An Offshore Self-Directed IRA (Simon Letter Issue August) Thumbnail

Safeguarding Your Future Through An Offshore Self-Directed IRA (Simon Letter Issue August)

For the August issue of the Simon Letter, our Managing Partner Jamie Vrijhof-Droese wrote a piece on how to move an individual retirement account offshore. The article will show Americans that it is possible to move their retirement assets offshore to benefit from international diversification and an enhanced level of privacy and asset protection. This way, your retirement assets can access global markets and various international opportunities.

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The Swiss View: What’s up? Interest Rates are. Thumbnail

The Swiss View: What’s up? Interest Rates are.

Managing the markets has not been easy in the last two and a half years. Who would have thought that after a global lockdown markets would immediately start a new rally bringing them to all time highs? It was clear to us that this rally could not be sustainable. When the markets started to tumble this year, many financial advisors started shouting that now is the time to “buy the dip”. If you had followed their strategy, it would not have ended well so far.

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Bear Markets and the Threat of Recession: What You Need to Know Thumbnail

Bear Markets and the Threat of Recession: What You Need to Know

Brush up on your investment terms and what this means for our economy, your investments and the possibility of a recession. A bear market refers to a period of time in which stock prices decline and the overall market outlook is pessimistic. Beyond the daily fluctuations of the market, a bear market is typically marked by a 20 percent or more fall in the market index over at least a two-month period. Bear markets throughout history have varied greatly in severity and length of time. For example, two of the longest bear markets experienced in America include the Stock Market Crash of 1929, which lasted 34 months, and the more recent 2007 financial crisis, in which the bear market lasted over 27 months.

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The Swiss View: The Inconsistent Strength of the USD Thumbnail

The Swiss View: The Inconsistent Strength of the USD

This year, making the right investment decisions has been quite challenging. Markets are down double digits year-to-date. The game was therefore not about gaining the most but about losing less than everybody else. Investors are unsure about how to position their portfolios. While some say that this is the beginning of a bear market, others state that the current weakness in the markets is a buying opportunity. We believe that the current downward movement will not be reversed until there is a mutual effort to change something about the current situation. Accordingly, from our perspective counter-movements represent opportunities to get out at a better price instead of giving confidence that the markets go up further. However, there are always exceptions where it makes sense to stay invested or even take in new investments.

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Asset Allocation Thumbnail

Asset Allocation

This article will help your clients and prospects understand the basics of asset allocation, and how their portfolio balances risk and potential returns. Each asset class has its own set of risks and rewards, depending on your time horizon, risk tolerance, and financial goals. The asset allocation strategy you select will allow you and your financial advisor to create a framework that will be able to manage the level of risk your portfolio will hold based on the asset class. You and your financial advisor may make adjustments to your portfolio over the years as your needs change, however, having a selected strategy will help to keep the portfolio balanced and not stray from a healthy level of risk.

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Risk Management: Understanding Diversification Thumbnail

Risk Management: Understanding Diversification

When you created your investment strategy, your asset allocation reflected your goals, time horizon and tolerance for risk. Over time, however, any of these three factors may have changed, and your portfolio may need adjustments to reflect your new investing priorities. Understanding diversification is the first step in building a strong portfolio. Are you ready to weather the storm?

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Understanding Real Diversification Thumbnail

Understanding Real Diversification

I fear many brokers tell their clients they are safely diversified, yet they are not. I’ve seen my fill of fancy computer reports proclaiming diversification, that is nothing more than owning several mutual funds (generally fee-based, managed by the brokerage firm) all denominated in US dollars. It is very rare to see any gold or assets that will protect against real inflation. Real inflation was 15% last year. If your broker proudly proclaims an 8% return, you lost buying power. Don’t get hoodwinked! Immediately after Chuck’s interview, I received the WHVP newsletter, “The Swiss View: How to handle inflation?” I contacted Managing Partner Urs Vrijhof-Droese for an interview. He provides a great global view on diversification and inflation.

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Four Emotions To Be Aware of During Times of Market Volatility Thumbnail

Four Emotions To Be Aware of During Times of Market Volatility

Whether facing a devastating event or an exciting advancement, people frequently make money decisions as a response. At any given point, the market can go up, down or it can remain the same. While many aspects of the virus or even the economy are out of our control, one thing we can control right now is how we handle our financial strategy. In the past, the market has recovered in response to epidemics with an average of 17.17 percent over time. While no two situations are alike, remembering the likelihood of recovery over time - and the market’s nearly inevitable up-and-down movement - can provide a more logical angle to calm the nerves.

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Understanding the "Money Illusion" Thumbnail

Understanding the "Money Illusion"

The “money illusion” refers to how we view our buying power today versus in the future. Are you falling victim to this potentially dangerous ideology? The “money illusion” refers to how we view our buying power today versus in the future. Are you falling victim to this potentially dangerous ideology? It’s no surprise that a dollar today isn’t worth the same as a dollar was 20 years ago. This is the result of inflation. Inflation plays a major role in financial planning, whether you are conscious of it or not.

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Evidence-Based Investing: What Is It? Thumbnail

Evidence-Based Investing: What Is It?

When deciding which types of investments you’re interested in pursuing, consider some of this helpful information you can use to better understand evidence-based investing and how it differs from other types of investment styles. Understanding the difference between popular investment terms including active, passive, behavioral, and evidence-based is the first step to making informed decisions about your investment strategies.

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Investing 101: A Primer For Beginners Thumbnail

Investing 101: A Primer For Beginners

Stocks, bonds and ETFs... oh my! If you've always been an investment novice with no idea where to start, class is officially in session. Welcome to Investing 101. Before you do a deep dive into theories, past performances, or principles, we’ll get you up to speed with the basics of investing and what you should know as you look to grow your financial knowledge.

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Why Modern Portfolio Theory Still Matters Thumbnail

Why Modern Portfolio Theory Still Matters

Modern Portfolio Theory may seem to only focus on a market’s optimal state, but using the system in tandem with other theories will allow an investor to take a balanced view of their financial strategy. Modern Portfolio Theory may seem to only focus on a market’s optimal state, but using the system in tandem with other theories—like behavioral finance—will allow an investor to take a balanced view of their financial strategy. An understanding of both ways of thinking gives you a better understanding of the market and your role as an investor. A primary focus on modern portfolio theory tempered by behavioral finance may enhance your overall investment experience.

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Capital Gains & Your Taxes: A Brief (But Important!) Guide Thumbnail

Capital Gains & Your Taxes: A Brief (But Important!) Guide

Capital gains taxes apply to more than stocks. Capital gains taxes can apply to any other property that acquires value over time. These taxes are calculated by subtracting the cost of the investment from the final selling price of said investment. And the amount you pay will depend on a variety of factors. Here's how capital gains taxes work and a few methods you can use for reducing them.

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